
12 September 2009

Weekly Geeks: 2009-35: What's The Plan?

This week's Weekly Geeks task asks us to talk about how we determine what we read next.

It would be nice to say I have a plan for my reading, and I guess I do have one of sorts, but not the one you might be expecting.

On the left I have tried to show what determines the 8 or 9 books that I read each month. The problem is that it doesn't reduce the list of "books in waiting" very much each month. I have in fact read just 75 books this year in just over 8 months, so 9 books a month is where I am at.
That means I might get to 2 library books, perhaps 2 review books, but I still reserve the right to throw all in the air, to combine maybe one of the others with an audio book, or to just buy a new book and read that.

I've thought about whether I would get more out of joining more challenges but don't really believe that I could manage that. I certainly don't believe it would help me read more, although it might affect the titles I choose to read.


  1. I like your system - very easy and to the point.

    I like the fact that you know yourself well enough to know you can do your own thing without a challenge...

    Me I love a reading challenge - and I am having fun with the few I have joined..

    Happy Weekly Geek Kerrie..


  2. That's impressive. I don't actually have a system. I wonder if that's where I' going wrong ...
    Happy Weekly Geeks! :)

  3. I have no system, until now, I didn't realise anyone did.

  4. I don't have a system either. I have (for the first time) joined a couple of challenges, but as I wrote in another comment on another blog, apparently it is just for showing off that I do it. I can't seem to fulfill any of them and I am all the time finding books outside the challenges that I would rather read. And since I am nowhere near reading more than 1-3 book pr. month I am afraid I am not going to finish all the planned reading I have made ;-)

  5. I don't have any system. Looking at yours, I am thinking that maybe I ought to.

    Weekly Geeks: Planned reading and Spreadsheets

  6. Great system. You've inspired me a bit. And I agree about challenges--I try to do very few because it is just too overwhelming.

  7. Kerrie...yours seems like a great system, that works well for you.

    I don't really have a system other than trying to read 6-8 review books each month, a few recently released library books, and a few audio bvooks off my IPOD.

  8. I don't have a system. I feel like my reading is the one area of my life that doesn't need to be planned and systematised. I have a part of my bookshelf set aside for the 1-5 books I want to read next (library books that are due and books scheduled for various reading groups) but I often go for something else entirely and I'm fine with that.

  9. My randomized system is sort of like yours but not as formal. Thanks for stopping by. My post is here.

  10. How organised this seems. I love the bit where you throw it all in the air and buy a new book! That's often how I read too.

  11. Looks like a good and not too overwhelming system to me.

  12. I like your system, very straightforward. I'd say that I'm maybe 90% random when it comes to reading plans. Sometimes I plan ahead, but I usually don't stick to it.


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