
28 November 2009

Suggest a Christmas Title

We've all read books set at Christmas time or related to Christmas in some way.
The aim of this meme is to allow bloggers to link back to posts on their site that relate to books about Christmas.
To make it easier for readers to locate books in their preferred genre, please include that in your link below.
  1. Suggested format
    BOOK TITLE, author name - crime fiction
    BOOK TITLE, author name - romance
  2. Please link to the actual post on your blog, not just the blog itself.
  3. In your post, please link back to this page, and feel free to use the image I've created.
  4. You may link to more than one blog post if you wish
  5. Links not complying with the above will be edited or removed altogether.
Thanks for your participation


  1. many thanks for those two links Margaret (BooksPlease)

  2. Sorry, Kerrie, to have my name as the links and not the titles of the books, but all I saw in the linky thing was a place for name and blog entry address.

  3. Kerrie, I have just added the URL to a post that should be going live tomorrow (Thurs) evening. (Blood Safari) I won't be able to get online then, so hope the URL works! Best wishes

  4. Hi Kerrie, I just added the URL of a post about Blood Safari by Deon Meyer, but my blog post won't be live until tomorrow (Thurs) eve, UK time. I won'e be able to get online then to add the link, so have done it in advance.
    Best wishes


If you want to leave a direct link to your blog posting, click name, you will see the URL field opening up. Type your name and leave your blog posting's URL and readers will be able to jump straight to your blog.
Thank you also for your interest in my blog.
From time to time you will find these comments have been put into moderation - I'll try to approve them as quickly as I can.