
31 October 2010

Weekly Geeks 2010 - 35: The books you waited too long to read

This weekend, Weekly Geeks host EH asks about books we have waited too long to read.
I think,in my case, this should be called the great book shuffle.

This is actually a game I play on a regular basis with my library.
I have several sources of books, and the library is one of the peaks in my TBR (to be read) mountain range.
My local library is very generous really: they allow me 20 books at a time, and each can be borrowed for a month. As the due date approaches I am able to go online and renew them if no-one else has requested them.
In reality I am never going to read 20 books in a month, considering the other book sources I am also juggling and shuffling.

The end result of all this shuffling is that often the ace in the pack gets moved out of the TBRN (to be read next) list and may even have to be returned to the library at least once unread.
That's what happened yesterday when I realised that my library copy of UNSEEN by Mari Jungstedt was 10 days overdue and had to go back if I was to be allowed to renew some of my other "holdings". AsI put it into my library bag I realised, a little uneasily, that this was the second time I had returned the book. Of course I have put it onto my request list yet again. I'll read it eventually.


  1. Kerrie - I love that 'photo! It looks suspiciously like my own Mount TBR (except I've not got a Kindle).

  2. I am forever borrowing books and having to return them unread, and then reborrowing them again!

  3. TBR is defintely burgeoning Margot.
    I'm glad I am not the only one who does the book shuffle with library books Marg. It would be nice to be able to return them all read - that would be a real triumph!

  4. The photo is amazing, and a bit daunting to me.

    I get overwhelmed with 5 library books on my stack and another 5-10 of my own waiting to be read or finished.

    I do renew library books constantly--one can do it here five times--but only if it's not on hold for other people, or if there is a sufficient number of copies to fulfill reserves.

    But, yes, it is a book shuffle, although to a much smaller degree here.

  5. The book shuffle is a game I play too. Only yesterday I discovered that I can't renew one of my library books that I really want to read (Solar by Ian McEwan) because someone has reserved it. It's due back on Wednesday, so I have until Tuesday to read and return it as I can't go on Wednesday. This means that I have to abandon the other books I'm reading if I want to get it read before then.

    There are quite a lot of library books I return unread and then borrow again.

  6. Kerrie ..

    I know about your mountain - still high I see...

    I also get the max on my library card and sometime use the kidlets card as well...

    We are on a graphic novel binge at the moment - and the library is best for that...

    I haven't dont the shuffle game for a while - I think I have been going with mood more than what needs to be read...

    Happy Sunday hon..


  7. I'm certainly glad that I'm not the only one who does this! I try not to feel guilty about it but there so many great books are out there, it's hard not to get distracted. I have 7 books out from the library right now, some are renewed once, some can't be renewed because of holds, and some that I just took out. Our library system only allows 2 renewals if there aren't holds, which means you can have the book out for 6 weeks. So many books, so little time!


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