
31 July 2012

Crime Fiction Alphabet 2012: K is for Karin & Katherine

I've decided that for my participation in the Crime Fiction Alphabet in 2012 I will highlight recently read books or their authors.

So they'll all come from my 2012 Reviews. Or at least that's the plan.

My choice for the letter K is shared between two women writers.

Norwegian queen of crime fiction Karin Fossum wrote THE CALLER which I rated at 5.0.

This is #8 in her Inspector Sejer series, and does a lot to show how far reaching the effects of crime can be on the victims.

Australian author Katherine Howell is the author of  SILENT FEAR

This one too is part of a series, but one so firmly bedded in the Australian landscape you can feel the hot wind coming off it.
If you've not read any Katherine Howell, take the opportunity to look for one by her.

Check what others have chosen for the letter K this week.


  1. Kerrie - Oh, I like Karin Fossum and her Konrad Sejer a lot, so I'm very glad you highlighted her work. And although I don't know Howell's work as well, she's a really talented author. Great choices this time!

  2. Two writers I'm eager to read. Thanks for the reviews.

  3. Two new authors to me. I will check them out. Thanks for sharing.


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