Some of the challenges are external to this blog while others are hosted here or on a blog that I manage. I host the ones marked ***
In practical terms I do allow some challenges to overlap, that is, most books will appear in more than one challenge.
In addition many of the challenges are simply continuations of challenges I took on last year, and are a reflection of my reading interests.
My summary page listing titles etc is here.
The reading challenges I've joined
- Outdo yourself reading challenge 2014: aiming for 145, currently: 74 (137 in 2013) - I'm doing well here, despite feeling I'm not reading all that fast. I'll need to read about 12 a month for each of the next 6 months to get there.
- Canadian Reading Challenge 2013/14 currently 2/13- this one has now finished and as you can see I didn't do well at all. I've got some Canadian authors lined up to read, just didn't get around to them. Not sure I will put my hand up for 2014/2015. Come to think of it I didn't complete it in 2012/2013 either.
- Agatha Christie Reading Challenge currently 7/12. I'm coming to the end of my journey (Have read 76 out of an estimated 87 titles) and this one seems to lack the urgency it once had, but I will get there and aim to complete some time next year. ***
- 2014 Global Reading Challenge currently 18/21- just South America to complete. I've got the books, just need to read them. ***
- USA Fiction Challenge So far 15/51 - this one is going to take me a few years. ***
- 2014 Aussie Author reading challenge aiming for 12. Currently 17- I've got a couple of categories to go here.
- 2014 Australian Women Writers Challenge aiming for 20. Currently 11/20
- British Books Challenge 2014 hosted by Feeling Fictional currently 33 - actually Completed but still reading this category.
- Vintage Mystery BINGO 2014: Silver & Gold Edition currently 18/12- this one is proving a challenge. I've read plenty, just can't claim a bingo yet. I have got plenty lined up.
- 2014 Ebook Reading Challenge currently 37- Last year I read 29 so I'm actually doing well. I use my Kindle a lot when I am travelling. I'm also doing NetGalley reviews and all my advance copies come as e-books.
- New to me authors - a personal challenge currently 15 - lagging a bit behind last year's total of 59. I host a quarterly meme related to this one.
- Not crime fiction - a personal challenge currently 2
- Nordic reading challenge - a personal challenge unless I find an "official" one, currently 5 - I've got plenty lined up.
- New Zealand reading challenge - again a personal challenge unless I can find someone hosting an "official" one. currently 1 - I need to focus a bit on this one.
- Translated crime fiction - a personal challenge that will overlap with many of the other reading challenges that I have undertaken. currently 9
- 2014 Mystery Author Challenge A-Z currently 21/26 - I'm down to the "difficult" letters here, and it could take me some time.
Kerrie - I admire the way you take on so many of these great challenges.
You are amazing, Kerrie, to take on so many personal (and public) challenges. I really, really enjoyed the Global Reading Challenge last year, but have felt the need to regroup and be a little less challenging on myself (well, I say that, but I have a target of 150 books set for this year).
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