I've worked out that, apart from postings to Sunday Salon, I monitor in my RSS reader the postings of about 50 bloggers, many of whom post on a daily basis like I do.
I've written 8 postings this week, so I hope I haven't driven too many people mad.
I have discovered that if you edit your post at any stage after the original publishing, then people who get it as a feed get a new copy with almost no indication of what the changes are. Probably they are correcting small imperfections that I didn't actually notice in the first place. So I try to get it right the first time - proof read carefully, catch typos, preview before posting - all that but of course some dreadful errors get through. Then you just have to decide if you let your readership think you are a dill, or whether you really do have to edit and post again.
Posting Summary for the last week (in reverse chronological order of posting)
- The UK Amazon list - new "stars"
The latest Amazon UK list top 10 features 3 authors with 2 books each, and R. J. Ellory is still on top - Who should be on THAT list?
My comments on omissions and what appear to be influential factors of the Times Online list of the 50 Greatest Crime Writers blogged about yesterday - Another attempt to list the best in crime fiction
A provocative list has been posted by Times Online. I captured the list (and probably breached some copyright guidelines, but I linked all the links back to their site) - Why do you read - tell me!
This posting was a failure. :-(
I created a voicethread inviting people to tell me in audio or text why they read. Nobody has used it, so I've had no feedback on whether it works or not. I can't test it because it recognises my computer IP. I don't know whether people have to register with voicethread before they can add their comments. - An update on LCC2009
Finally did my room booking for LCC2009 in Hawaii next March. There are 8 Australians that we know of attending. Have invited any one attending to let me know by commenting on the post. - What not to borrow, buy or steal
My comments on dreadful CD set based on a series by one of my favourite authors. - WORLD WITHOUT END, Ken Follett
My review of this 14 hour 12 CD set - an abridged reading of the novel - Flattery will get you everywhere
Barbara Fister, host of Carnival of Criminal Minds, tagged me - Jane Goodall, author to look for
What's in a name? Jane Goodall, Australian crime fiction author, is well worth looking for, but don't muddle her up with the lady of chimpanzee fame.
- The daughter and son-in-law who live in Abu Dhabi pay a flying visit this week to be part of a wedding
- The footy team have a remote chance of winning their first match for the season this afternoon. I keep picking them in the footy pool competition in the hope that my faith in them will push them over the line.
- This week is also Anzac Day (25th April) so its a 4 day working week.
- At the end of next week I'm off to Brisbane for a couple of days.
I thought I was well read in the crime genre, but found I'd only read works by sixteen of the fifty. I'm not certain whether to be glad about this as it means I obviously have a lot still to go out or worried that some of the writers who made it are so esoteric as to be outside the comfort zone of the majority of readers. Like you, I thought there were some interesting omissions, especially Kathy Reich, whom I prefer to Cornwall any day, and Peter Robinson.
Just think of them all as signposts to new-to-you authors :-)
It breaks my heart to see a post tagged a failure, so I have just responded to your "Why I read question," but in text form; no audio thread. I'd need a voice coach for that!
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Many thanks Peter
A few elocution and singing lessons, and I'll be ready for the world of voice comments!
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Hi Kerrie, thanks for the post. I am reading or listening to the unabridged version of World Without End and enjoying it so far. This is the best narrator I have listened to in a long time. I'll pop back over when I finish to let you know my thoughts.
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