10 January 2009

Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Monthly Carnival Launched

I've been trying to work out a way that those of us who are interested in comparing notes on our journey through Agatha Christie's novels and short stories can keep in touch with each other and I've decided on setting up an "official" Monthly Carnival.

This means that participants can contribute links to their own blog postings and book reviews on a monthly basis. The inaugural Carnival will be posted on about January 23 with submissions closing on January 20. Once one carnival closes, submissions for the next one will open. I plan that submissions will close on 20th of each month, ready for posting on about 23rd of the month.

I'm using Blog Carnival which I discovered late last week.
Click here and you will be taken to the site where the submission space lives.
If you have written any reviews of Agatha Christie books, however brief, I encourage you to participate in the carnival.
I don't mind for this inaugural carnival how many posts you link in but they must all relate in some way to your reading of Agatha Christie novels, and they must be on your blog. You don't have to join anything to create your links. Just use the URL of your particular post, and the system will check for it's existence. Write a brief description of the post in Remarks.

I've decided to create yet another, dedicated, blog for the purpose. It is called the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Carnival. This gives it its own RSS feed and I have set up subscription links too.

If you look right down the the bottom of the column on the right you will see a widget that will take you to the Carnival too. This is something you can put on to your blog if you want. You will also see a link to the Book Review Carnival which I've joined.

So, will you join? Let me know. I don't mind if you are an intermittent participant. Feel free too to post about it on your blog and to use my logo for promotional purposes. A link back to this blog would be appreciated too. There is an initial posting on the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Carnival if you want to respond there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great! I'm am very gung-ho about this reading project. The carnival is a good idea. I'll help anyway I can.


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