25 March 2010

3 Month summary: how many books so far in 2010?

How is your reading target going for 2010?
How many books have you read in the first 3 months of the year?

Are you on target ?
Over on the right you'll find a poll where you can choose a range. The poll will be up for the next 3 weeks, so by all means come back and update your choice.

Why not leave a comment too?
Confess the exact number. Are you doing as well as you'd hoped?
What is affecting your reading at the moment? Are you on a roll? Have you got your teeth into some really good books lately? Have you got any recommendations?

Or are you having a bit of a slump? What is causing that?


Jose Ignacio Escribano said...

I'm just slightly ahead of my target for the year (50). I have read so far 18, maybe 19 by the end of this month.

Deb said...

I've read about 25 books so far this year, including some non-fiction. This puts me on target for about 100 this year, which I believe was my goal. So far, the best book I've read was Don Chaon's AWAIT YOUR REPLY--a terrific book about identity theft and so much more. I'd also like to put in a word for Judy Bludell's WHAT I SAW AND HOW I LIED, a coming-of-age story set in the late 1940s with a possible murder at it's center. It's a Y.A. novel, but so well-written, it could easily be marketed to adults.

As I posted a couple of days ago, my biggest disappointment so far this year was being unable to finish Reginald Hill's THE PRICE OF BUTCHER'S MEAT. When I get to page 150 of a murder-mystery and, so far, no one has been murdered, that's too much dragging out for me.

Dorte H said...

I have read 24 so far, but I have decided to slow down and forget about the goal I set in January (100 +). If not, I won´t be able to live up to my other goal: write a little bit of fiction every week.

Maria said...

Waaay below target. It's a good news/bad news scenario. I've been writing a LOT more--which means I don't read as much. I'm happy about writing progress so I just keep on doing that.


Maxine Clarke said...

Never mind how many I have read- how about how many I have acquired? ;-) Seems to be about four times more than the number I've read....

Marg said...

I've read 42 books so far, and I am pretty pleased with that! I am a bit ahead of where I thought I would be really.

Bernadette said...

I'm reading #41 and #42 respectively at the moment (one print and one audio) so am on track to read around the 120-130 mark again this year. January was a superb month for me as I read 20 books but things have slowed down as work has gotten busier and volunteer activities have re-commenced. I also had a string of DNFs in February which was most annoying.

BooksPlease said...

I've read 24 so far. I haven't got a target, just aiming to read good books.

Kiwicraig said...

I hadn't actually counted - I'd guess 15-20 or so, but I'm not sure. I go in fits and starts, 3-4 in one week, then nothing for a week or two when I'm snowed under with writing deadlines.

Given that pattern, I was probably going for around 50-60 in a year (one a week on average).

Let me think (abbreviated titles); Anubis, Self, Cherry Tree, Bangkok, Nvr Wlk Away, 61 Hrs, First Rule, Blk Ice, Bld Men, Hntng Blnd, Mantell 1, Mantell 2, Tkng Dt Fictn, Thf of Tm, Ddly Trd... there's a couple of others I think I've forgotten too, but that puts me on track for the 60ish mark for the year.

Kiwicraig said...

Oh, and that's just the crime novels - there's a small handful of other books too.

Booklover Book Reviews said...

I didn't actually set myself a goal regarding number read, but think I've read 19 so far this year, which is pretty excellent for me with work etc. Audiobooks in the car on the way to work has definitely helped me increase my consumption :)

kathy d. said...

I think I've read 20. When I'm really hooked, as in Mankell's, "The Man from Beijing," I stay up all night and do nothing but read, don't pay bills nor do calls, just read.

Just finished Jim Kelly's "Death Wore White," which is quite good.

Am not rushing to read the few books I have, don't know why but have a lot to do otherwise.

Also, I enjoy reading a lot of mystery blogs late at night and book reviews. And I'm into seeing old b/w movies, like old Hitchcock and this is taking more of my reading time.

So glad you gave a 5.0 to Mankell's newest book, which made me think every minute.

How do you read so much? Is there a secret to this? How do you get other things done? I'm amazed.


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