27 June 2024

Review: THE SCHOOL RUN, Ali Lowe

  • this edition from Hodder Stoughton UK 2024
  • ISBN 978-1-399-71781-6
  • 389 pages

Synopsis (publisher)

How far would you go to protect your reputation?

For parents living in the beautiful coastal town of Pacific Pines, all their hopes and dreams are pinned on the outcome of the annual Gala Day hosted by St Ignatius Boys' School. To be accepted into the prestigious institution, their sons must battle it out, facing rigorous rounds of physical and mental tests. Their parents will stop at nothing to ensure their sons succeed.

But after one boy is struck down in a hit and run, the scandals, secrets and lies that entangle three mothers threaten to unravel their seemingly perfect lives . . .

How far will the women go to, not just to save their families - but also their reputations?

My Take

The Prologue tells us at the very beginning that someone has been hit by a car, but we don't know who the victim is nor who is driving the car, but we suspect that it has been deliberate. The result is that those questions remain with us as we read on. We learn about the selection process and meet some of the families and their boys who will be participating in Gala Day which starts the process. 

The action begins on a Saturday with Kaya Sterling and her son Ollie who have only recently arrived from Western Australia. Ollie is the son of Paul, a past captain of St Iggy's. It was Paul's dying wish that Ollie enrol at the school. 

We then meet Estella Monroe who lives next door, and has twin sons who will also be trying to enrol  in St. Iggy's. We don't meet the third mother Bec Lloyd, and her family, until Sunday. Her son Cooper will also be trying for selection.

The author then weaves a fascinating web of the relationships between these women and their families. Things are indeed not simple and we learn some very complex things, and we still don't know the answers to our questions.

In the last few chapters the story takes some very unexpected turns.

Highly recommended.

My rating: 4.8

About the author

Ali Lowe has been a journalist for 20 years. She has written for bridal magazines, parenting titles, websites and newspapers in London and then Australia, after she moved to Sydney fourteen years ago on a trip that was meant to last a year. She was Features Editor at OK! in London, where she memorably stalked celebrities in Elton John's garden at his annual White Tie and Tiara ball.

Ali lives on the northern beaches of Sydney with her husband and three young children

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