2013 Global Reading Challenge

Tread where you haven't been before

Sign In and Challenge Rules

As in the past, the 2013 Global Reading Challenge (2013GRC) challenges you to expand your reading boundaries, go where you haven't been before, move a little outside your comfort zone.

You may read any genre so long as the books are fiction.

Decide which level you will attempt, although you can change that later if you wish.
Use the Mr Linky to sign up with your name, the level you intend to attempt, and your blog URL.

Feel free to include the logo in your blog posts or on your blog (with a link to this page)

Your reading will take place in the calendar year 2013.
When you are ready to add books to the Mr Linkies that will be provided, return to this blog and look for the 2013 Global Reading Challenge icon in the right hand margin. That will have a link to the most recent page for the meme.
You may like to consult Global Reading Challenges for 2011 and 2010 and 2012 for suggestions of books.

Please advertise the  2013 Global Reading Challenge (2013GRC) on your blog.

You might be interested in creating your own map showing where you have been using World66
My final post for GRC 2010 shows you what it can look like.

The Easy Challenge
Read one novel from each of these continents in the course of 2013:

Africa, Asia, Australasia/Oceania, Europe, North America, South America (please include Central America where it is most convenient for you)

The Seventh Continent (here you can either choose Antarctica or your own ´seventh´ setting, eg the sea, the space, a supernatural/paranormal world, history, the future – you name it).

From your own continent: try to find a country, state or author that is new to you.

The Medium Challenge
Read two novels from each of these continents in the course of 2013:

Africa, Asia, Australasia/Oceania, Europe, North America, South America (please include Central America where it is most convenient for you)

The Seventh Continent (here you can either choose Antarctica or your own ´seventh´ setting, eg the sea, the space, a supernatural/paranormal world, history, the future – you name it).

From your own continent: try to find a country, state or author that is new to you.

Try to find novels from fourteen different countries or states.

The Expert Challenge
Read three novels from each of these continents in the course of 2013:

Africa, Asia, Australasia/Oceania, Europe, North America, South America (please include Central America where it is most convenient for you)

The Seventh Continent (here you can either choose Antarctica or your own ´seventh´ setting, eg the sea, the space, a supernatural/paranormal world, history, the future – you name it).

From your own continent: try to find a country, state or author that is new to you.

Select novels from twenty-one different countries or states if possible. (For Australasia, selecting a different state for your last book will be acceptable)

Sign Up Here


This is where you will link books you have read that relate to Africa.
If you are reading 3 books for Africa, try to make them all from different countries.


This is where you will link books you have read that relate to Asia.
If you are reading 3 books for Asia, try to make them all from different countries.


This is where you will link books you have read that are set in Oceania, e.g. Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea.
If you are reading 3 books for Oceania, try to make them all from different countries, but you may decide simply to read books set in different Australian states.


This is where you will link books you have read that relate to Europe.
If you are reading 3 books for Europe, try to make them all from different countries.

North America

This is where you will link books you have read that relate to the United States and Canada.
If you are reading 3 books for the United States, try to make them all from different states. You may also decide to include Central America here (or include it in South America)

South America

This is where you will link books you have read that relate to South America.
If you are reading 3 books for South America, try to make them all from different countries. You may also decide to include Central America here (or include it in North America)

The Seventh Continent

The seventh continent is for reviews of books from Antarctica - or the sea, space, the supernatural, history, the future - or whichever alternative setting you can come up with for this wildcard category. Have fun!

Challenge completed!

If you've completed the challenge, write a post on your blog and then link to it in the Mr Linky below.
Also, please make sure you let me know that you have completed the challenge.
Leave a comment below. Feel free to add any or all of the following to your record page on your blog.


Darlene said...

I didn't manage to complete this challenge last year, but I'm giving it another go!

Thanks for hosting!

Darlene said...

When I linked up "A Christmas Carol", I provided the incorrect url to my review. Can you please delete the link for #5 under Europe? I re-linked the correct url at #6 under Europe.


Kerrie said...

All fixed Darlene

Debra Wilson said...

Thanks for introducing me to author Malla Nunn!

Debra Wilson said...

Well, one book from each of six continents so far....a long way still to go!

Eva said...

Two from Asia, so on to another continent. :-)
I read "De Niros Spill" in Norwegian, the original in English is called "De Niro's Game).

Anonymous said...

Hello Kerrie!

I'm glad I searched for circles I hadn't spotted before. How do you want continents related? Author born there, or a setting there - either way? :) Carolyn www.CMRiedel.WordPress.com

{I'm on dial-up, with queries all over the place. Replying e-mail or my blog is gratefully appreciated}.

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter Australia! :)

That's wonderful Kerrie, that a story's location is included as well as an author's continental birth place. It really opens things up for us. I'll make a post and join! Carolyn

Eva said...

Two down in Europe too, but will probably be more before the year is over.
I read Barn 44 in Norwegian, English title is Child 44.

Debra Wilson said...

Two continents done!!! Very excited about discovering a new African author, in the reading pile now.

Kerrie said...

Well done Debra

Debra Wilson said...

Wow, I'm definitely on my own when it comes to my review of "Who Killed Palomino Molero?" !!

Marina Sofia said...

Ooops, I did three for North America - but couldn't resist White Heat, which I'd been meaning to read for ages. Now I have just one for Africa left!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kerri! Is there an e-mail address for group members to reach you? I'll have to query here for now but if you could e-mail or hit my blog back; it's easier than loading pages on dial-up. :)

Under "South America" it looks like México would work, because you invite inclusion of 'Central America'. That saves me big time, this close to the end of the year!

Otherwise I was going to ask if a short story can be included. Alternatively, a book of short stories even if all authors weren't South American. I wanna finish this right in case of prizes or plain satisfaction! Carolyn www.CMRiedel.WordPress.com

Kerrie said...

Caroline, in answer to your query do count Mexico however you like (or use the short stories). There are no prizes, just the satisfaction of completion..

Anonymous said...

Woop, no 'ine' in my name. I had to make up a saying to help everyone I know: "Carolyn rhymes with gin, not wine". Hahaha! Fortunately your page lets me comment; or I'm helpless without an e-mail address or Goodreads. (I'm neither on Twitter nor facebook).

Huge thanks about clarifying México is allowed. It isn't always placed with Central America. Glad a short story compilation would do. Are individual short stories okay as well? Satisfaction is a fine finish. I love this theme! :) http://cmriedel.wordpress.com/2013/04/02/global-british-wishes/

Kerrie said...

Well done KathyD - who has told me that "t I completed the Global Book Challenge for 2013, read at least 3 books per category, substituting historical crime fiction for Antartica.

And I read books from 21 countries, and will go past that by year's end.

I haven't read as many books as in past years, just seem to be too bus and am reading at a slower pace.

But I've read a lot of new authors and a lot of interesting books. "

Marina Sofia said...

Oh dear, I'm running out of time - I have one more book for Africa to go to complete the Medium Challenge. I have it all fired up and ready to read on my Kindle, but always end up with some other things I have to do first. Here's to hoping that one month will give me enough time to start and finish it!

Anonymous said...

The last book I've read was good but threw me for a loop, that written by a fellow Australian of yours: Black Wattle Creek by Geoffrey McGeachin.

Very unusual protagonist, plot and resolution? Who knew when beginning this story that it would end up the way it did?

Just as I began to feel a bit jaded about crime fiction, that it's beginning to feel cookie-cutterish or jaded, I come across this book, which restores my faith in crime fiction's originality.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! I'm finished! I hope you have this next year because I'm looking at novels with which to do even better. What level have I achieved? That's a funny story. You might call it "Easy ++"! South America, New Zealand, Africa are fulfilled once. Every other continent is tripled.

May I share that I'll be a first-time hostess in 2014? Loving everyone else's creative themes so much; I have launched 3 of my own. Every reading & reviewing language is welcomed. Warmly, Carolyn.

Kerrie said...

Well done Carolyn

Kerrie said...

Global Reading Challenge 2014 launched today. See the icon in the sidebar

Eva said...

Only one book to go, but I still have to write about some of the ones I've read.


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