So what can you do on my blog this week?
How is your reading target for 2009 going? How many books do you think you will read? Come in and participate in my poll.
Have you come across Book Blogger Appreciation Week? Time to nominate your favourite blogs.

This week's posts
- My Last 20 Books #1
- My July - reads, blog posts, headlines
- Ann Cleeves and Colours
- Winners - Match Cover with Title Competition
- Review: FROM DOON WITH DEATH, Ruth Rendell
- Review: LUCIFER'S SHADOW, David Hewson
- Review: SHADOWS STILL REMAIN, Peter de Jonge
- How is your reading target for 2009 going?
- Wallander: Swede dreams are made of this
- Dangerous Dykes
- 50 best true crime books
- Why does crime fiction have such low literary status?
- Peter James to receive Honorary Doctorate
- Man Booker Longlist Dozen announced
- Agatha Christie's summer home - Scene of the Crimes
- Agatha Christie novels as e-books
- now - MIDNIGHT FUGUE - Reginald Hill
- next - ABOUT FACE , Donna leon
- in the car - MALICE DOMESTIC - Peter Lovesey & others
- You can of course comment on any post, and be part of the conversation.
- You can also rate each post. Not many people do, but it is interesting to see which posts attract a rating.
- You can listen to a podiocast of any blog post. I use odiogo to automatically generate these. The voice is a bit mechanical but it does mean you can listen rather than read.
- There is nearly always a poll to participate in - this week's: How is your reading target for 2009 going?
- You can subscribe to posts by email by two methods: feedburner or Feed My Inbox
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- You can connect with other crime fiction blogs through Crime Fiction Journeys.
- You can join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge and be part of the monthly blog carnival.
- You can read my blog in any language through Google Translate.
- you can find some online places to buy Australian books.
I'm going to be interested to see what you think of 'Midnight Fugue', especially the way in which Hill manages the time scale. There are a number of novels around at the moment that try the same 'trick', some which work more successfully than others. I thought this was one of the better ones. What about you?
It was a lovely day here in SA wasn't it almost like Spring, but now later in the day its quite cool so Heater and a book here I come currently reading Kerry Greenwood's "Trick or Treat"
Kerrie I would challenge your phrase "you in the northern hemisphere are enjoying summer". In the South West of England we have had a few good days but mostly heavy and persistent rain. It is so sad to see cars full of holiday makers stuck in traffic with distraught parents wondering where to go and what to do. This was the year people were holidaying in the UK because of the recession, and the promise by the Met office [meteorologists anonymous now] that we would have a barbecue summer!
I did not do much reading in July!
TSS: Mare's War by Tanita S. Davis
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