31 January 2010

How many books do you aim to read this year? - poll result

I've been running a poll for the last 2 weeks and as you can see most respondents have plumped for 1 to 2 books a week.

In fact some of those who took part in the poll left comments to that effect in the post that accompanied the poll.

I thought I might aim for about 110, based on averages of previous years. If what I have managed to read so far this year, 12, is any indication, then I might get to many more than that.

I guess the next question is how you actually choose the books: Craig has an intersting post on just that over at Crime Scraps.

I've actually commented on this in an earlier post or two: in a sense the books choose me.
I never seem to lack for a book to read and I do have lists here and there of books to consider: wishlists at the library, at Audible, as well has a very mountainous TBR that is a challenge in its own right.

1 comment:

Meytal Radzinski said...

Those are interesting results. It's difficult to answer a question like this, though. For instance, I know that what I hope to read and what will actually come to be aren't exactly the same. Last year I hoped to reach 100 books (well, casually hoped. I wasn't trying too hard) and made it to 80+. This year I'd still like to reach 100, but I doubt it'll happen and I'm not going to make a particular effort to achieve the goal. I'd much rather just read the books I want to read when I want to read them with as little pressure as possible.


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