
11 July 2010

Sunday Salon: involving your readers

Last week I wrote about involving my blog visitors in conversations.

There's currently a perfect example of this on my blog where I asked people to list the best 5-10 books (crime fiction of course) they have read this year, regardless of the year of publication.
15 people contributed and the resultant list has 110 titles on it.
So if you are looking for some crime fiction recommendations, or new-to-you authors to look out for, take a look at Best crime fiction so far in 2010 - the titles

I also asked people what sort of crime fiction they liked to read, and ran a poll.
Here are the results.
As you can see books involving detectives and police procedurals came out on top.

So this week I'm asking people to consider the most recent murder mystery they read, and to tell me whether they knew who the murderer was. Easy, you think! Read the post and find out.

If you read and review Agatha Christie titles on your blog don't forget that you can participate in the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge, and the Agatha Christie Blog Carnival. The next edition of the Blog Carnival will be published on July 23. You can submit posts here.

This week's posts:
Have a good week!


  1. Kerrie - No doubt about it; that's one of the truly good things about your blog - the way you involve your readers. I enjoy your questions, polls, etc., very much, and I always learn...

  2. I do like the way you involve us readers. I always look forward to your Crime Fiction recommendations.

    Here is my TSS post!

  3. You are a master at including your readers, Kerrie, not just with your polls, but also with events like the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge, which, I for one, am grateful you started. It's been a great way to get back into catching up with the classic Christies.

  4. I agree that it is a great idea to involve your readers - but I quite often find it difficult to answer questions about my favourites. I just enjoy most of the books I read and forget 90 % of them in a few days. Not because anything was wrong with them, but my memory ... oh, what was it I wanted to say? ;)


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