Now after 2915 posts, I have reached the 900th review. This year I have published fewer non-review posts but even so about 30 % of my posts have been reviews.
I am still maintaining an "All Reviews" page, sorted by author, and in addition I post my reviews on Library Thing (where I have 1068 books listed) and on NetGalley.
Reviews of Australian authors also appear on Fair Dinkum Crime.
I'm most impressed, Kerrie!
Congratulation Kerrie!
Congratulations! That's a tremendous achievement.
Wow. Nearly 7 years of blogging, nearly 3000 posts and 900 reviews. Lots of hard work and fun. And you run challenges and memes too. Thanks, Kerrie, I have enjoyed your blog for years, even before I started blogging.
Congratulations to you, Kerrie!
Congratulations! And here's to many, many more - your reviews always have so much to offer.
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