27 August 2024

Review: THE RUNNING CLUB, Ali Lowe

  • this edition made available by my local library
  • first published in UK by Hodder & Stoughton 2023
  • ISBN 978-1-529-34887-3
  • 415 pages

Synopsis (publisher)

You pay a premium to live in this town. But someone's paid with their life.

The rules of the running club are the same as they have always been: keep your breath steady, keep your mind sharp, record your laps! Only now there's a new one: don't get killed. The wealthy community of Esperance is picture-perfect. Big houses, stunning views, beautiful people. A brand new running track for the local club to jog around in the evenings. From the outside, it looks like paradise.

But the women of the town know the truth: you can hide anything - from wrinkles to secrets from your past - if you have enough money.

You could even hide a murder. 

My Take

Ali Lowe is one of those newish Australian authors that just grab you with a plot with so many twists, turns, and undercurrents that you just have to know what happens. The fact that it is crime fiction is an extra bonus. You work overtime to make sure you put it all together!

Highly recommended.

My rating: 4.6

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