11 September 2009

BBAW Giveaways

I have 4 books up for grabs in Book Blogger Appreciation Week.
They are all crime fiction books that I have reviewed here on this blog. I've hyperlinked the titles so you can read more about them before you list your choices.

The rules are simple. Just leave a comment, tell me where you live (country), and list 2 books as your choices. You should also leave your disguised email address - e.g. Jenny at gmail.com - so that I have a chance of contacting you if you are a winner. (although I will come back and comment on this post and have a dedicated post to announce the winners.)
It would be nice if you would Tweet about it - but you don't have to (put BBAW in your Tweet).
I will announce the winners on 20 September.

Method of selection will be by the cat's paw:

The books are

THE CLEANER by Brett Battles.
a fast moving thriller, in a style made popular by Alistair Maclean, Jack Higgins, Hammond Innes, and more recently Matthew Reilly. Not really my favourite genre, the story at times strained the bounds of credibility. Nevertheless the plotting is tight, the tension sustained, and the central scenario believable.

This book is only for Australian or New Zealand participants.

ABOUT FACE by Donna Leon

ABOUT FACE is #18 in Donna Leon's Brunetti series. As always, I am not sure whether to advise a new reader to start with this book, or whether to try to do a little "back reading". ABOUT FACE is not the best in the series (my rating 4.4), and I found the last 50 or so pages a bit too slow. On the other hand the series is so good, one of my favourites, that I have no hesitation in recommending that you try them. If you've ever been to Venice, then you'll know something of the magic of the city, and enjoy seeing it through Guido Brunetti's eyes. Brunetti's wife, English professor Paola, is a feisty woman, Guido's personal social conscience, more than willing to challenge his decisions. She does not let us down in ABOUT FACE.

ABOUT FACE is smaller format, so I'll send it anywhere in the world.

FROM DOON WITH DEATH was Ruth Rendell's first novel, and is the beginning of the Inspector Wexford series.

In six years of married life Ronald Parsons had never come home to an empty house. Margaret was always there, and after only an hour and a half of waiting, he approached Mike Burden who lived just down the road. Burden's new boss Chief Inspector Reg Wexford is of the opinion that Margaret has bolted, but he sets Burden to doing the usual checks, with no real results. Two days later Margaret's body is discovered in the woods on the outskirts of town, and that's when it becomes obvious that Margaret had a life, a history, that her husband knew nothing about.

This book is a double-banger as it also includes A NEW LEASE OF DEATH. it is in the small format, so I'll send anywhere in the world.


Jack Reacher thinks he knows a suicide bomber when he sees one.Twenty years ago he learnt a list of behavioural indicators from an Israeli army captain. It is a set of twelve bullet points for male suspects, and eleven for women. Riding the New York City subway at two o'clock in the morning he reckons he is looking at one - a female suicide bomber, that is. He's worked his way through the bulleted list and she fits. And then the woman realises that he has spotted her.

This is the larger format so it is available only to Australian or New Zealand participants.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Kerrie,
Thanks for offering this contest. How fun! If I'm chosen as the winner, I'd love Ruth Rendell's From Doon with Death and Donna Leon's About Face :).
You can reach me on my own blog (margotkinberg.blogspot.com) or you can reach me at my gmail address. Look forward to finding out who's the lucky winner!


Tim said...

Really? as simple as that? No tricky questions ...? :-)

The choice is easy for me, Donna Leon, as this is the only one I haven't read yet; and the Ruth Rendell, as this not one of hers that I've read.

My googlemail account is kachicomp. Thanks for the competition Kerrie.

Dorte H said...

Ah, I love competitions.

I´d like to win Donna Leon´s book (I own Rendell´s).

Bingo said...

What a joy to have such an easy contest. I'd like the Ruth Rendell book. Thanks for hosting!

gautami tripathy said...

You read great books and I love your reviews very much.

You know I live in India.

Please enter me for either of the following:

ABOUT FACE by Donna Leon




Vanda Symon said...

Hi Kerrie.

To express a familiar theme, if the cat paw lands favourably, I'd love the Donna Leon book or the Ruth Rendell.

Kia Ora from New Zealand. You know how to get hold of me (-:

Ruth (Book Focus) said...

Hi, I'd like to put my name down for the Brett Battles and the Ruth Rendell books. I'm in New Zealand! And I LOVE seeing a contest where some prizes are only open to Australasia - I'm so used to seeing so many US-only contests that it's nice to have an Australia/NZ-only one. ;)

My email addy is kiwibooklover at gmail dot com!

Thanks for the contest :)

Anonymous said...

What a fun way to have a giveaway. Simple entrance requirements. I live in the United States.

The two books I would like if I win are:
From Doon With Death
About Face

Thanks for the great giveaway.

bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

BevE said...

I would love to win the titles About Face and From Doon with Death. I'm from Ohio here in the states. Thanks for the giveaway : D


wheresmyrain said...

would love to enter into the
About Face
Ruth Rendell book


I think you asked us to mention where we hail from?United States for me..

Linda said...

Great giveaway, I would loe From Doon with Death or Gone Tomorrow

annarudow at gmail dot com

LoveMyCoffee said...

Would love to win About Face, or Ruth Rendell book, both would be new authors for me.

I live in the United States


Simply Stacie said...

I'd love to win About Face and From Doon with Death.

I'm in Canada.

simplystacieblog (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

My 2 choices would be:
The Cleaner & Gone Tomorrow

I live in the U.S.A.

lelou2 AT ymail DOT com

Kerrie said...

Vicki - the 2 books you've named are only going to ANZ residents - I'll put you in the running for one of the other two,

Unknown said...

I would love to have a go at ABOUT FACE by Donna Leon or FROM DOON WITH DEATH. I'm stuck in the NT (Australia) so I need something to do!

grottis6 [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I would choose Doon with Death and Gone Tomorrow. They both sound great.

I live in india. thanks for the contest.

please enter me elizascott2005 at yahoo dot co dot in

Sheila (bookjourney) said...

About Face or Gone Tomorrow look like good reads. It was fun checking out your blog today!

journey through books @ gmail dot com

Lynz Pickles said...

What a great contest - it's nice to see one with such simple entrance requirements! Thanks so much for having it.

I live in Canada, and would love to get to read From Doon With Death or About Face. My email address is lynzajw[at]gmail[dot]com.

Beth said...

Thanks for the chance. Please enter me. I would love About Face or Gone Tomorrow.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Colleen said...

I love crime fiction!
It would be great to get the chance to read either Ruth Rendell's From Doon with Death or Lee Child's Gone Tomorrow.

I also tweeted this as lavender_lines


Maxine said...

ooh - i'd love either of the books you are offering to the UK folks!


maxinegrant at btinternet dot com

Anonymous said...

I can't pass this up: the Battles book and the Rendell book, although that one looks a little crowded for everybody wanting it. :)

My e-mail, which I think you have, is justareadingfool (at) gmail (dot) com.

mindy said...

wow great giveaway i have not read any of them and would be happy with any one of them thanks minsthins at optonline dot net

Lucyinthesky said...

I live in the USA so would like to enter the giveaways for Doon With Death and About Face. Thanks for the chance!

espressogurl at hotmail dot com

Jonnie (JB) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
D Q said...

Please enter my name in your giveaway.
ABOUT FACE by Donna Leon

Kristen M. said...

I have been dying to try Ruth Rendell so I will put my name in for that one! I'm in Seattle.

webereading AT gmail dot com.

roxanestoner said...

Hello I live in the USA (Alaska) and would love to have either books (Dona Leon's or Ruth Rendell). Thank you for the oportunity.
stoner58 at gci dot net

Ellie Wright said...

I would love to be entered for Donna Leon-About Face and Lee Child-Gone Tomorrow. Thanks for the giveaway.
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ally Jay said...

Wow what a great chance. I'd love either of the NZ books. Good luck to everyone else.

Misusedinnocence said...

This is great! I would love to win About Face and From Doon With Death.


Mystica said...

I'd love to win all but ok Ruth Rendell first choice.



kristin hoffmann said...

I'm in Canada and would be very happy to win the Donna Leon (have not read any of hers) or the Ruth Rendell.
kristinmhoffmann at gmail dot com

Beleth said...

Count me in! I live in Spain.
I would love to read The cleaner and from doon with death.

battyaboutbats at gmail.com

thank you!

tanabata said...

I'd love a chance to win the Ruth Rendall. I'm in Japan. Thanks!

inspringthedawn at gmail dot com

BlackWolf said...

wow.. great contest
if I'm chosen as the winner, I'd love Ruth Rendell's From Doon with Death and Donna Leon's About Face .
because i'm from mexico


Kerrie said...

Thanks to all entrants.
Winners will be announced shortly.

Kerrie said...

The winners were
Veronica from Australia
AlisonB from New Zealand
Misused innocecnce from the US
Sheila from the US

Please make sure you send me your snail mail details ( kasmith9 at esc.net.au)


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