Welcome the August 28, 2011 edition of the
Book Review Blog Carnival.
Every other Sunday the carnival appears at a blog, somewhere in blogtopia.
The founder of the carnival is Clark Bjorke who blogs at
I'll Never Forget the Day I Read a Book!
There are 26 contributions to this edition of the carnival and I encourage you to visit them and leave comments if you can.
Many thanks to all participants.
The next host is
Colloquium who will be hosting the September 11 edition.
Children's Books
Jon Welling presents
Review: Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow posted at
Hippies, Beauty, and Books Oh My!.
"This was a delightful read and I would highly recommend it to any parent for their older children. It is fun, perfectly put together, and teaches great morals. I look forward to reading more from this author!"
Read Aloud Dad presents
Burt Dow, Deep-Water Man by Robert McCloskey posted at
Read Aloud Dad.
"Our family celebrates Robert McCloskey as one of the greatest teachers of the finest things in life."
Scott Bartlett presents
Crowshite posted at
"A review of Ted Hughes' poetry collection, Crow."
Jim Murdoch presents
The Good Muslim by Tahmima Anam ( posted at
The Truth About Lies.
"At the end of a brutal civil war, a man stumbles upon an abandoned building and finds a young woman whose story will haunt him for years. Almost a decade later his sister returns home to find her brother transformed. While she has stuck to her revolutionary ideals, he has shunned his old life to become a charismatic religious leader. And when he decides to send his son to madrasa the conflict between them comes to a devastating climax. Set in Bangladesh at a time when religious fundamentalism is on the rise, The Good Muslim is an epic story about faith, family and the long shadow of war.
Lj Quillyn presents
Review: Ghost Story by Jim Butcher | The Writing Life of LJ Quillyn posted at
The Writing Life of LJ Quillyn.
"Dresden fans the world over have tuned in once again for the thirteenth installment of the Dresden Files: Ghost Story.
This book was absolutely fantastic. I’ll have to admit my bias. I love the Dresden Files. Always have. There’s just something playful and wonderful about the way that Jim Butcher writes."
Zohar presents
Thoughts on: Uncle Misha’s Partisans by Yuri Suhl posted at
Man of la Book.
"“Uncle Misha’s Partisans” by Yuri Suhl is a fictional book following the adventures of a Ukrainian boy during World War II. The book is meant for young adults (YA) and should be read as such."

KerrieS presents
Book Review: UNTIL THY WRATH BE PAST, Asa Larsson posted at
"17-year-old Wilma Persson and her boyfriend are trapped while diving beneath the ice of Lake Vittangijarvi, looking for the wreck of a Nazi transport airplane that crashed there during the War. The story opens with Wilma as the narrator and she continues to make frequent appearances throughout. When Wilma's body is first discovered in a nearby river, it is assumed her death was an accident. No-one had known where the young couple were diving. When forensic evidence shows that Wilma did not die where her body was found, Rebecka Martinsson decides to take over the investigation herself. Translated into English from Swedish. Excellent."
Zohar presents
Thoughts on: Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy posted at
Man of la Book.
"“Tess of the d’Urbervilles” by Thomas Hardy is a
fictional book published in 1891 . The book follows Tess through her trials and tribulations in
Victorian England."
Jim Murdoch presents
Two Cows and a Vanful of Smoke by Peter Benson posted at
The Truth About Lies.
"The marijuana leaves, the cows and caravan on the cover – and indeed the book's title – all point to a comic romp involving rustic stoners; the reality is much more interesting. When Elliot gets a job on a farm he thinks he'll have plenty of time to lean on gates or stare at fields. But his best mate Spike keeps getting him into trouble finally turning up at his caravan's door with a van full of weed, the owners of which are deadly serious about getting back."
Zohar presents
Book Review: Roma by Steven Saylor posted at
Man of la Book.
"“Roma” by Steven Saylor is a packed
historical fiction book which attempts to tell 1,000 years of history in 600 pages. The book succeeds superbly in some parts, but not so much in others."
KerrieS presents
Review: BRUNO, CHIEF OF POLICE, Martin Walker posted at
The first in a new series of crime fiction set in France in the town of St. Denis. A satisfying cozy.
Camille Buffenmeyer presents
Rock Bottom by Erin Brockovich & C.J. Lyons - Review posted at
A Book A Day.
"Rock Bottom is the debut thriller by the renowned Erin Brockovich. It is the story of Angela "AJ" Palladino and her son who is handicapped."
Skylerreep presents
10 Tiny Reviews of the Best Novels of the Last 20 Years posted at
Skyler Reep's Blog.
"Although it took me more than the time-frame I had originally budgeted, I finished ten novels this summer and I have two still simmering for two very different reasons. So here they are; my 10 tiny reviews."
Marina presents
Introducing Indie Authors ? Amanda S. John posted at
"I want to start a series called Introducing Indie Authors. How many indie authors do you know and read? I did not know many until I published my short story Neighbors, got involved in social networking and blogging, and met quite a few talented and interesting indie writers."
Jonathan presents
10 Benefits of reading. posted at
Smart blog.
"Although this isn't a book review, this post shows the benefits of reading and why we should all pick up a book."

Zohar presents
Thoughts on: The Devil’s Gold By Steve Berry posted at
Man of la Book.
short fictional eBook original. The book follows one of the characters in Mr. Berry’s books on a short adventure."
Non Fiction
Zohar presents
Thoughts on: Better by Mistake by Alina Tugend posted at
Man of la Book.
"“Better by Mistake: The Unexpected Benefits of Being Wrong” by Alina Tugend is a
non-fiction book which tries to explain how
dealing with mistakes can benefit you and your work. While this book might be categorized as self-help, I found it to be more than that and thought provoking as well."
Jonathan Milligan presents
Best Self Help Books of All-Time posted at
Simple Life Habits.
"Here is my personal review of 12 of my favorite self-help books."
Jim Murdoch presents
Shadow Child by P.F. Thomése posted at
The Truth About Lies.
"A woman who lives longer than her husband is called a widow; a man who remains behind without his wife, a widower. A child without parents is an orphan. But what do you call the father and mother of a child who has died? In Shadow Child a father charts the course of his child's life, all 47 days of it and the effect the death has on him and his wife. A short, very moving and memorable book."
Rachel presents
Three Cups of Tea (Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin) posted at
Books In The Sun.
"I picked up
Three Cups of Tea
at my book (sharing) club and didn't know too much about it beyond the description my friend gave me. It covers the story of Greg Mortenson who in 1993, after a failed attempt to climb K2, promised to return to a local Pakistan village to build a school. The story takes us through the challenges he faces, the creation of the Central Asia Institute (CAI) the charity organisation he now fronts, and the growth of the organisation to build schools across various locations in Pakistan and Afghanistan."
Katie Sorene presents
Top 20 Travel Photography Books of all Time posted at
"Short reviews of the top 20 travel coffee table books available including publications by Lonely Planet and National Geographic."
Persha Davis presents
Understanding Men With Men Made Easy ebook -Are Men This Easy To Understand posted at
Dumped Days.
"After interviewing hundreds of men, Kara Oh developed Twelve Simple "Secrets" so she could share her winning techniques with other women. Her fresh insights, derived from teaching self-empowerment workshops, bring a new slant to understanding men and improving romantic relationships."
Manisha presents
Woman Men Adore Never Want To Leave ebook Review posted at
Break Up Survival Advice.
"An ebook written by Bob Grant, a reputed marriage counselor with over 17 years experience. He has carried out counseling on thousands of couples, and claims that this ebook has been used by over 42,000 women."
Danette Schott presents
Look at My Eyes: Early Intervention and Navigating the System posted at
Help! S-O-S for Parents.
"I recently had the pleasure of “meeting” TheFowler4, Melanie and Seth Fowler, parents of two children, one of whom has autism."
Jonathan Milligan presents
Put Your Dreams to the Test posted at
Simple Life Habits.
"My personal review on the latest book by John Maxwell."
Teacher Man presents
Book Review; Liars Poker By Michael Lewis posted at
My University Money.
"A book review by Michael Lewis. It should help you achieve your financial dreams!"