2 November 2008

Sunday Salon #32 - 2 October

I seem to have done quite a lot of reading and a lot of blog post writing this last week.

This week's posts:
Currently reading:
  • now - WHAT THE DEAD KNOW, Laura Lippman. This is the one that has won so many awards
  • next - A MAN LAY DEAD, Ngaio Marsh
  • audio book - THE LORD'S DAY, Michael Dobbs. I'm up to disc 8 of 10 so I should finish this week.
  • also listening to - CORDUROY MANSIONS, Alexander McCall Smith, up to ch. 26. Just realised though that I haven't listened to any of the last week's episodes. Must correct that today.
Breaking News:
Last week's poll:
The question: What is the nationality of the author you are currently reading?
    12 people took the poll
    Australasian - 2
    American -1
    British - 5
    Scandinavian - 4
    0 for other European, Canadian, other, don't know
This week's question: How many books do you hope to read this year?
Do pop into my blog and take the poll. It is in the blocks at the side.


gautami tripathy said...

I have read 80 books so far! Far les than my goal!

Darcys, Bingleys, gang wars and a dog too

Kerrie said...

maybe it is because the books are getting bigger gautami!


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