I've been listening to CORDUROY MANSIONS for 10 weeks now.
It is not a mystery or crime fiction, rather an exploration of the lives and interactions of the people in a fairly middle class London area.
In fact, the 2 minute video above explores Pimlico which is where the novel is set.

There's a lot of information on the daily Telegraph website about the novel which is due to have 100 chapters and won't be finished until February 13. You can read online, listen online, get a daily podcast for iTunes, get a daily chapter by email or an RSS feed.
So far each of the episodes, read online by Andrew Sachs, goes for somewhere between 7 to 8 minutes.

I'm still listening too although if you held a gun to my head I'd struggle to tell you three things that have happened in the book. I'm used to listening to podcast novels but this one is on my list more for the dose of Andrew Sachs' voice than the plot :)
I've been listening to Corduroy Mansions myself and quite enjoying it. Naming of Dogs is one of my favorite episodes. Once I remembered that I could put the episodes in a playlist and listen to them in sequence automatically the short episodes became more manageable.
I wrote about it at Listening Librarian but there I was interested in how it is being marketed. Smith and the Telegraph are using podcasting, YouTube, and FaceBook, in addition to the Telegraph website. I'm seeing a lot of authors using social networks to promote their works and I think it can be a very effective technique.
I'm a bit regretful that I haven't yet taken the opportunity to ask AMS a question or give him any feedback, which is also said to be one of the urposes of the exercise.
I do think 20 weeks is a bit long.
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