9 November 2008

Weekly Geeks #24 - Fun Facts about an author, Michael Robotham

Weekly Geeks has the sort of "challenge" that I like this week
  1. Choose a writer you like.
  2. Using resources such as Wikipedia, the author’s website, whatever you can find, make a list of interesting facts about the author.
  3. Post your fun facts list in your blog, maybe with a photo of the writer, a collage of his or her books, whatever you want.
  4. Come sign the Mr Linky below with the url to your fun facts post.
  5. As you run into (or deliberately seek out) other Weekly Geeks’ lists, add links to your post for authors you like or authors you think your readers are interested in.

My choice is Michael Robotham, the Australian author who recently won the Ned Kelly Award with SHATTER.

You'll find references to Michael littering this blog because he is just one of my favourite authors. The photo in the collage is one my husband took of Michael and me (and then I cropped me out) and the rest of the collage shows you the titles to look for.

Michael is one of those crime fiction authors whom it is a pleasure to hear speak, and it's a pleasure that I've had a few times. He is a born story teller and just can't help himself, he has so much to say.
If you ever get the chance at a book festival or wherever, do take it, and tell him Kerrie sent you.

Wherever you are in the world there is really no excuse for not looking for a Michael Robotham title, you'll find them on Amazon US, Amazon UK, and the Book Depository will send his titles anywhere in the world free of charge.

SHATTER has been my top read for this year, but I actually recommend that you read them in order, so that you also realise how the characters relate to each other. BOMBPROOF was commissioned from Michael Robotham as part of Australia's Books Alive promotion for which Robotham is the "ambassador". SHATTER was recently shortlisted for the ITV3 Crime Fiction Awards.

Michael has two nearly identical websites
His Australian one: http://www.michaelrobotham.com/aus/index.htm
His British one: http://www.michaelrobotham.com/uk/index.htm

Lots to read on them, a mailing list to join, newsletter and some FAQs to read.

If you've read a Robotham then tell me about it in your comment. If you read one in the future, please remember to come back here and let me know.


Anonymous said...

I'm a little behind on my MR reading: I've still got Night Ferry and Shatter to read. I don't like reading multiple books by the same author one after the other so I'm being patient. I do love his writing though and I agree he's also a top bloke.

Kerrie said...

I think spacing between novels is a good idea Bernadette. Too much of a good thing can become a bit stifling and reduce enjoyment. Having said that I can't wait for the next, but I think I remember him saying it will be a stand alone.

Maree said...

Ooh, they sound good! Yet another one for the list ...

Marg said...

I could have sworn that I borrowed one of his books from the library when he won the Ned Kelly, but I don't seem to have it now. I will definitely need to rectify this matter immediately!

Anonymous said...

Nice post. I've been meaning to read this author for ages, so your post has prompted me to put The Suspect on my Amazon wish list, as I can never think of anything to ask for for Christmas (as I have everything, including about 300 books to read and the same number of hours of unwatched DVDs).

The Bookworm said...

Great pick, those books sound good.

Louise said...

Wow. I really get some awesome recommendations from this week's Weekly Geeks. I have never read anything by Michael Robotham. Is he an Aussie writer? And I was thinkin'....are you pulling his keystrap in the image where you cropped yourself out? LOL.

Have a great Sunday,



Kim said...

This is a genre I just don't read much of, but your recommendation makes his books sound appealing! I love the covers you posted too.

Anonymous said...

This week, every participant gets to choose one of the previous weekly geeks themes to repeat. I think it’ll be a lot of find seeing what everyone chooses. It’ll give me an idea of what the most popular themes have been, and it’ll give everyone else a break from seeing almost identical posts on the blog of all the wg participants.
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