June is definitely designed to keep me poor with birthdays by my sister, her granddaughter, my husband, and my mother.
Never mind, the celebrations, like the dinner at a pizza house last night, are lovely, with a chance to bring branches of the family together.
Breaking News
- Rendell on an Oprah list
- Are you a Bookaholic?
- Byron Bay Writers Festival 7-9 August, programme online
- McCall Smith wins award for Corduroy Mansions
- 19th edition Book Review Blog Carnival
- Robotham, Cotterill & Peter James on CWA short list
- now - THE MYSTERIOUS MR QUIN, Agatha Christie
- then - THE REDEEMER, Jo Nesbo
- after that - THE GIRL WHO PLAYED WITH FIRE, Stieg Larsson
- in the car - NAME TO A FACE, Robert Goddard
- Review: RITUAL, Mo Hayder
- 4 Play: a meme
- Forgotten Books: Have you missed Jane Whitefield?
- From my database: DISSOLUTION, C.J. Sansom
- Get a better, stronger password this week
- CWA Dagger in Library shortlist includes some favourites

I will run a poll closer to the date to see which book the readers of this blog think will win. As I've said in my post, it will be a tough call. All the contenders look really strong.
Additions/changes to my blog
I've added a widget from Blogger Widgets that shows people who comment the most on my blog. I've chosen to show the top 8 - not that I'm trying to invoke a competition here. It only shows those with Blogger profiles unfortunately.
- if you are in Australia: Upfield's 3 Acts of Murder premiers 14 June (TONIGHT)
- Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Blog Carnival - next submissions need to be in by June 22
- the current Book Review Blog Carnival is up at The Symposium, but you can make submissions for the next one anytime. It is a good way of getting your book reviews available to a wider audience.
Book groups etc.
Yes. My family tends towards end of summer birthdays. My husband is the odd ball in our immediate family being a spring birthday. Then there's my son, me and my daughter who have our birthdays all in a 2 week period.
In our family it starts from the end of october and goes on till March with three birthdays in December!
TSS: Lets talk about books and related suff
We have a few in June as well (including my own), then it is probably December that is the busiest month. My son and nephew are only 5 days apart in September as well.
We are all April birthdays mine, my wife, my son, my father, and his brother.
The lady who was my practice manager for 17 years husband and son were both April birthdays.
Then when I moved 200 miles to Devon the next lady who was my manager for another 15 years also her husband and son were also April birthdays.
It was weird because her husband shared a birthday with my son and her son shared a birthday with my father.
And my best man at our wedding, well his wife is an April birthday as well.
In our family our birthdays are pretty evenly spread out, which makes it nice.
I'm planning to read more crime fiction this year, a genre I used to read a lot of but have gotten away from. I look forward to your receommendations.
My birthday as well as the birthdays of everyone else I know are in December. And with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year sandwiched n either side it make coordination difficult to say that least.
Our family is all over the place and pretty much has given up on birthday celebrations. How sad.
My sister and I still celebrate each others though and that is all that counts.
My family bdays are all over the place, makes them harder to remember! I've added Mo Hayder to my list of new authors to try and wonder what you think of Jo Nesbo.
Have a great week.
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