It was only after I discovered a review of Vanda Symon's OVERKILL in this month's magazine, that it occurred to me that I had never blogged about it.
The reviewer's opinion of OVERKILL wasn't quite as high as mine, but he did give it 4 stars and Highly Recommended.
Anyway, if you click on the image to the right you should get taken to a sample magazine, available at all good newsagents and book shops in Australia and New Zealand. Good price too! It contains a good range of in-depth articles, recommendations on all genres but a couple of pages of new crime fiction, and annually they have a crime fiction feature.
When you are subscriber to the online magazine, there all sorts of other goodies you can access, like first chapters etc.
So what other magazines are there around? What else can you get?
In our conference bags at Left Coast Crime we all got free copies of Mystery Scene, which has a review of Michael Robotham's SHATTER in it written by Barbara Fister (which on her blog she listed in her top 10 for 2008). It was great to be able to flourish that during the Fair Dinkum Crime panel.
Mystery Scene is a bit expensive if you are here in Australia though, 5 issues a year for $65US.
So what magazine can you recommend?
You know I don't subscribe to any reading magazines at all.
Someone who reads such a broad spectrum as you would enjoy the magazine Marg. You might be able to borrow back copies from the library.
Somehow Michael Robotham does not really seem to have caught on in Denmark. I think the first two are translated, and he does not seem to expect more of them to come out here. I think that is quite unfair as he writes really well.
Good thinking 99! I've just requested Feb and March to have a look at.
I've looked for it over here, but failed to find a copy, but the chap that wrote the review sent me a scan of the page concerned. I liked the review (-:
I might have to order Goodreading seeing as my local booksellers don't carry it as standard.
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