February is a short month, but I've managed to read and review 12 books:
- 4.7, THE LOW ROAD, Chris Womersley (26 Feb)
4.6, THE PYRAMID, Henning Mankell (22 Feb)
4.4, AREA 7, Matthew Reilly (21 Feb)
4.6, THE MYSTERY OF THE BLUE TRAIN, Agatha Christie (15 Feb)
4.2, DEADLY WATERS, Pauline Rowson (12 Feb)
4.3, FRIEND OF THE DEVIL, Peter Robinson (8 February)
4.5, THE CHALK CIRCLE MAN, Fred Vargas (7 February)
4.8, THE CRUELLEST MONTH, Louise Penny (7 February)
4.3, VALLEY OF THE LOST, Vicki Delany (7 February)
3.6, THE SUITCASE KILLINGS, Miles Tripp (6 February)
4.4, DEAD HEAT, Dick & Felix Francis (5 February)
4.2, DISCO FOR THE DEPARTED, Colin Cotterill (4 February)
4.4, THE RINGMASTER, Vanda Symon (3 February)
Breaking News
Poll closes: How many books did you read in 2008?
45 people participated in the poll.
It appears that the majority read 2 or less books a week in 2008

New poll:
You'll find this in the sidebar of this page.
This is a relatively straightforward one. It will run for the next 3 weeks.
The question is Do you write a blog? Your choices are
- Yes- one where I am the sole author
Yes - one where I share authorship
No - I don't have a blog
- now - A ROYAL PAIN, Rhys Bowen
- next - THE SEVEN DIALS MYSTERY, Agatha Christie
- in the car - PERFECTLY PURE AND GOOD, Frances Fyfield
- Weekly Geeks 2009-08: Crime Fiction & Social Issues
Crime Fiction writers do not write in a political or social vacuum. You can see social commentary in the writing of Henning Mankell and Agatha Christie. - REVIEW: THE LOW ROAD, Chris Womersley
This book was the winner of the Ned Kelly Best first book award in 2008. - Checking the value of your website
A new tool for checking the value of your website. DEmand was so great at one stage that the site was overwhelmed - Forgotten Books: Who remembers Mary Stewart?
Another English author who wrote some great books. - Scene of the Blog
An interesting meme being run at Kitling Books. - Five Questions Interview
A set of personalised questions created for me by Dorte. Let me know if you would like me to ask you some similar questions. - Review: THE PYRAMID, Henning Mankell
Back stories about Kurt Wallander. - Your Blog is Fabulous Award
A kind award that I passed on to others.
I answered the poll with sole author, but the fact is that I have both a blog where I am sole author, and one where I am part of a group, plus a number of reading challenge blogs where I contribute!
So the only answer that doesn't fit is the no I don't have a blog one!
Your father is doing well to still be driving at 93.
I agree Marg, the poll structure is a bit flawed. Thanks for answering anyway
I just finished reading Her Royal Spyness by Rhys Bowen and really enjoyed it. It looks like you had a really good month of reading in February!
Hi Kerrie - A little while ago, you visited my blog and told me about your Agatha Christie carnival. I do want to join the challenge (which will lead to the carnival) but wanted to know which post I should use to sign up. Thanks.
There is no real "sign up" post for the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge. Just indicate your interest on any of the posts on my site. http://paradise-mysteries.blogspot.com/search/label/Agatha%20Christie%20Challenge and then remember to come back and submit any/all of your Agatha Christie posts to the Carnival at http://acrccarnival.blogspot.com/
I didn't participate in the poll, I'm sorry I missed it! I would fall in that same group, 2 books a week or less *sigh* though I am trying this year to up it!
i also have two mysteries on my immediate TBR pile, the Penny and the Robinson, so I;m going to check out your reviews shortly!
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