What are the best crime fiction titles you've read in 2011?
So far this year I've read 82 books.
I review them all and have a record of them on 2011 Reviews
Over one third of the books I've read have scored a rating of 4.7 and above.
I don't think that is necessarily because I am generous in my ratings, but because I tend to read books I think I will like. Time is too short to spend it on books I know I will hate.
I base my selections on blurbs, listings for awards, and recommendations/reviews from fellow bloggers.
For my best reads so far in 2011 I have chosen books that I have given a rating of 4.8 or above. That gives a list of about 15 or so.
5.0, BURY YOUR DEAD, Louise Penny
5.0, THE WRECKAGE, Michael Robotham
5.0, A THOUSAND CUTS, Simon Lelic
5.0, THE RULE BOOK, Rob Kitchin
5.0, DEAD TOMORROW, Peter James
4.9, THE BRUTAL TELLING, Louise Penny
4.9, BAD INTENTIONS, Karin Fossum
4.8, THE HANGING WOOD, Martin Edwards
4.8, KEEPER OF LOST CAUSES, Jussi Adler-Olsen
4.8, AN UNCERTAIN PLACE, Fred Vargas
4.8, COLD JUSTICE, Katherine Howell
4.8, THE LEOPARD, Jo Nesbo
4.8, BOUND, Vanda Symon
4.8, SILENT VOICES, Ann Cleeves
I am interested in knowing what your best crime fiction reads so far this year have been.
Please list up to 15 of them in a comment. I will collate the lists and publish in a later post (on about July 15)
If you'd like to use my logo in a post on your own blog, please feel free to do so, as well as providing a link back to this post.
I read Sweetness last year, agree with that one, I have a few others on my Wishlist.
Here are a few of my choices.
Farquhar, Wayne - Blood over Badge
French, Nicci - Beneath the Skin
I am Not a Serial Killer and Mr. Monster by Dan Wells
Ellison, J.T. - So Close the Hand of Death
Christie, Agatha - And Then There Were None
Kane, Andrea - The Girl who Disappeared Twice
The Two Deaths of Daniel Hayes by Marcus Sakey
I'll Walk Alone by Mary Higgins Clark
The Lock Artist by Steve Hamilton
The Third Rail by Michael Harvey
Here's my list (which I'll also post on my blog):
Exit Lines by Reginald Hill
Drawing Conclusions by Donna Leon
Rebus’s Scotland by Ian Rankin
The Stabbing in the Stables by Simon Brett
Gently Does It by Alan Hunter
Cop Hater by Ed McBain
The Case of the Lame Canary by Erle Stanley Gardner 4.5/5
Intimate Kill by Margaret Yorke
Wycliffe and the Last Rites by W J Burley
The Silent World of Nicholas Quinn by Colin Dexter
The Art of Drowning by Frances Fyfield
Here's my selection, from a week or so ago:
Great idea - these lists are going to add lots of new titles to my TBR.
I've posted my list here
I did mine as a post (with links to reviews in case anyone wants to see what the books are about).
PS: The only author on your list that I've read is Ann Cleeves...but not this one.
I've listed mine on the blog, the more I read the harder this gets :(
great that The Rule Book made your mid-year list. Thanks.
I've read 52 books so far this year. 6 are 5 star reviews and 7 4.5 stars.
The Rage by Gene Kerrigan
The Deputy by Victor Gischler
Caught Stealing by Charlie Huston
Ghost Mountain Boys by James Campbell
Secret Dead Men by Diane Swierczynski
Field Grey by Philip Kerr
Mercy by Jussi Adler-Olsen
The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson
The Brush Off by Shane Maloney
A Stone of the Heart by John Brady
Devil Red by Joe Lansdale
The Main by Trevanian
A Beautiful Place to Die by Malla Nunn
I haven't read any of these! Here are a few of mine...
Heartsick- Cheslsea Cain
Live Wire- Harlan Coben
The Lake Effect- Les Roberts
Kerrie - This is always such a hard task, but here are just a few I've particularly liked (in no specific order):
The Blood Spilt Åsa Larsson
The Wings of the Sphinx - Andrea Camilleri
The Reversal - Michael Connelly
Redback - Lindy Cameron
Blacklands - Belinda Bauer
Off the top of my head:
Lasting Damage [Paperback] by Sophie Hannah
Never Say Die and Whistleblower [Kindle Edition] by Tess Gerritsen (more specifically Whistleblower)
Liquid Fear [Kindle Edition] by Scott Nicholson
Storm Surge [Kindle Edition] by J D Rhoades
Sorry Kerrie, I forgot to add here a link to my post: http://jiescribano.wordpress.com/2011/07/01/best-crime-fiction-reads-2011-first-half/
Kerrie, I only read 25 books so here are the five I enjoyed most:
A Lily of the Field; John Lawton
Mercy: Jussi Adler-Olsen
Devil's Peak; Deon Meyer
The Leopard; Jo Nesbo
An Uncertain Place; Fred Vargas
I just enjoyed reading the new Kindle book from Amazon entitled "The Empanada Affair".
My favorite crime-fiction reads of 2011 have been (And I'm a bit behind on some of these series):
Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter: Tom Franklin
An Uncertain Place: Fred Vargas
Faithful Place: Tana French
Drawing Conclusions: Donna Leon
Mistress in the Art of Death: Ariana Franklin
Nemesis: Jo Nesbo
Red Wolf: Liza Marklund
Started Early, Took My Dog: Kate Atkinson
Wings of the Sphinx: Andrea Camilleri
Roseanna: Sjowall/Wahloo
The Doorbell Rang: Rex Stout
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