September 26 2010
I participated in BBAW 2010
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BBAW Interview Swap - BermudaOnion
My BBAW giveaways: the Winners are..
April 26, 2010
Nearly 2 weeks ago Janet Rudolph at Mystery Fanfare included me on a list of blogs when she passed on a Sunshine Award. I felt particularly flattered with the idea of being a little ray of sunshine.
The award's supposed to go to bloggers whose “contagious positivity and creativity inspire others in the blogging universe.”
The rules read as follows:
1. Put the logo on the blog within your post.
2. Pass the award on to 12 bloggers.
3. Link to the nominees within your post.
4. Let the nominees know they have received the award by commenting on their blogs.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
My response
February 9, 2010

From Marg at Reading Adventures a Prolific Blogger Award
The citation: A Prolific Blogger is one who is intellectually productive… keeping up an active blog that is filled with enjoyable content.
My response
Cathy at Kittling Books is running a poll about awards at present.
Why not pop over there and record your vote?
January 26, 2010
from Margot at Confessions of a Mystery Novelist the Kreativ Blogger award.
Margot wrote Kerrie is one of the most well-read crime fiction readers I have ever encountered. Her blog is full of information, fine reviews, community memes and other things to keep a mystery fan coming back time after time. It was also Kerrie who introduced me to the wonderful online crime fiction community of which I’m a proud member.
My response

December 28, 2009
from Margot at Confessions of a Mystery Novelist, the Inspiring Blog Award. Margot wrote
This year, I’ve learned so much and been so inspired by several different crime fiction and mystery blogs that I’ve decided to honor those blogs today with an Inspiring Blog Award.
Those whose blogs I've listed here keep blogs that inspire me, teach me, and push me to be a better blogger and writer and a more well-read mystery fan. For that, I thank all of you and am eager to learn from you in the new year.
My response.
September 20, 2009 BBAW Participation Award.
14-20 September, Book Blogger Appreciation Week was pretty full on, with a post a day, and I gave away 4 books.
See all my 2009 BBAW posts here
September 19, 2009: Splasher Award

From Luanne of A Bookworm's World - I passed it on to
- Mack Captures Crime
- everything distils into reading
- Overkill
- Books to the Ceiling
- Straight From Hel
- Crime Always Pays

From Cathy of Kittling Books - I passed it on to
- PETRONA - she who created Crime and Mystery Fiction Friend Feed.
CRIME SCRAPS - Uriah Robinson keeps me on my toes with his interesting (and at times provocative) blog posts, and impossible quizzes.
- pattinase - Patti is the creator of Friday's Forgotten Books.

April 11, 2009: Splash
Dorte chose me for this award and I passed it on to 9 others who had recently commented on my Weekly Geeks posting on Australian children's books that have stood the test of time and are still popular nearly 30 years after publication.

This is a viral thing, almost like a chain letter.
Some one visits your blog and announces they have something for you on their blog.
When you visit them, you find they have been given an "award" and they have handed it on to you, along with 15, 10, 7 or 5 other people.
The effect of the awards process is to extend the net of the blogs that come to your attention and to bring your blog to the attention of others. This is part of the phenomenon that I commented on in a recent post: Blogging breeds Networks
Each of the awards complements the recipient on a slightly different aspect of their blog, but the message is the same: "I like your blog".
Until now I have been listing these awards in a side bar running down the bottom of the right hand margin, where they are not in full view.
The system organiser in me has decided today to create a "awards" post, where I aim not only to display the awards, but add any future ones. The post will be permanently linked to my "menu bar" running across the top of my blog.
After this initial post I will simply add the newly received awards (that sounds a bit pompous doesn't it at the top of this post)
26 July 2008: Brillante Weblog

The first award I ever received came from Just a (Reading) Fool
I responded and dutifully passed the award on to 7 "victims".
I felt a bit diffident about doing it because I wasn't sure how grateful they would be have the process imposed on them. At that stage I was "watching" just 60 other blogs and had already discovered a coterie of like minds. You'll find most of the names of my awardees cropping up again and again in my blog. They coment from time time, review the same titles that I review, and in general share my reading DNA.

7 September 2008: Super Commenter
If I learnt anything about blogging in 2008 it was the value of commenting on the blogs of others. If you only lurk, people often don't know that you have even visited their blog.
Marg from Reading Adventures gave me this award, and again I passed it on to 7 people, including some new cyber friends.
18 December 2008: Kreativ Blogger

Cathy at Kittling: Books gave me her "Best Observer of all things Mysterious Award."
I passed this award on to 6 "friends", some of whom were by now re-assessing the wisdom of being one of my cyber buddies. I suspect this award may be known in cyber space as the "six" award because of the way it is structured.
7 January 2009: Great Buddy

This came also from Marg from Reading Adventures and I handed it on to all those who had recently contributed to Tops in 2008 project. I don't think this really worked, because people didn't feel personally awarded, so I probably won't wimp out this way again.
17 January 2009: Inspiration Award

This came from a relatively new friend, an author in New Zealand, Vanda at Overkill.
My bloggers I watch list had expanded by them to 100 people and I passed the award on to 7 people to whom I feel very grateful for the fact that they have gone out of their way for me.
But you'll see when you look at the awardees, the same names cropping up again.

23 February 2009: Your Blog is Fabulous
This award came to me from Dorte who writes DJs krimiblog. I shared the love and handed it on to 5 others, taking care to select some "different" people.

Cathy of Kittling Books, who got hers from Dorte of DJs krimblog, passed it on to me. I chose 10 female bloggers for a variety of reasons, not the least because I like their blogs.
If you've followed this post so far you will be beginning to get a vision of how this networking thing happens, and who is part of mine.
7 April 2009: Grasshopper

I'd seen this one recently on some blogs, and then Cathy of Kittling Books was been kind enough to give it to me.
I've passed it on to 5 blogging friends, and I'm a bit embarrassed to find that they are people who appear regularly on my list of victims.
10 April: Lovely Blog

This was given to me by Desert Rose. This is an award given to new blogging friends.
I decided to pass this award on to those who have been contributing to my Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Blog Carnival.
Not all of these bloggers are strictly new to me, but I am grateful to them for helping get the carnival up and running. I am thinking I will create my own "badge" to acknowlege them in future.
wow Kerri! Congrats on your belovedness! Well-deserved, too. :) I'm sure you will get many more.
But as far as I can see, no Splash award??
That is fine, because I have one for you on my blog so please come by and pick it up :D
I love that you are so organised on your blog! I can't organise my life let alone my blog
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